Life In The Spirit Can Not Be Labeled By A Finite Mind

Jesus, born a Jew, showed Jews what a love for God is supposed to produce towards themselves and others. They rejected Him and what he was showing them. They had the written code of the law but could not recognize the fulfillment of the law through Jesus. They did not recognize who Jesus is or what He was showing them because their hearts were not turned to God.

But those who did not have the written code of the law had the natural ability to love God and keep the commands... and they accepted who Jesus is (Son of God) because his demonstration lined up with what was in their hearts. Jesus connected the dots for those who did not have something written. Those who had something written refused the connection which continues to keep those who reject him separated from God.

Living for Christ is truly a way of life. The Jews had the label of children of God but because God was not in some of their hearts they rejected His son. Don't repeat that history Christ Followers.

Vincent J. McCaskill - Senior Pastor 
By God Inspired Fellowship

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