Hate Never Healed Anything

Christ Follower:

Don't make it hard for someone to love you. Love is not easy in the face of hate. But I have never seen hate heal people. Not even the one that has a willingness to love..but has allowed bitterness to enter their minds. Prejudices are real. We all have some version of it. But I want you to repeat after me and mean it when you say it.

"I am not perfect...but BEING PERFECTED...not condemned by my imperfections. I am willing to be corrected and instructed as I am perfected, rejecting my imperfections"

Every person has to learn and grow. Some learn quicker than others. Some are slower than others while thinking they truly know it all. But the truth of the matter is we were ALL born into sin. That's why we have to be born again in the spirit. This allows for our minds to be renewed...transformed and our eyes opened to the truth. We all have been taught things through our individual cultures. We all have experienced things through those sub-cultures within the general culture. Not everything we were taught was truth and not everything was a lie. We have to understand that no one is righteous... no...not one. No one can claim righteousness without Christ. Whether you are a republican or democrat in America... you can not claim exclusivity to Christ. There are good people and bad people in both organizations. There are good policies and bad policies in both organizations. The problem is everybody wants to be seen as completely right without a willingness to admit there are some things that the other side has right. No one is willing to have empathy and demonstrate compassion because they want to be right. How can two walk together unless they agree? The only thing America is truly unified on is walking in disagreement.

Can a republican step out of his comfort zone and admit there are some things we are doing wrong? Can a democrat step out of his comfort zone and admit there are some things we are doing wrong? No one wants to admit the error of their ways. They just want to focus on the error of the other person's ways. I have learned that you can't see the other person with clarity until I look inwardly to check my motives. It is only then I can see others the way God sees them. So today, I ask you to dig deep inside of you and ask yourself what are your true motives behind what you say and do. Only you and God know that answer. I know what the will of the Father is... but are your motives lined up with His will? If you want healing in the land... it begins with self examination.

Vincent J. McCaskill - Senior Pastor
By God Inspired Fellowship

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