Images and sound matter. They both have the ability to shape your mind. Images play to what you see. The sound plays to what you hear. Both enter you and go to the mind. This is why millions of dollars are spent annually in the form of TV, Radio and Internet ads to get your attention and feed you a narrative that appeals to your senses. How you process what you see and hear is the issue at hand. If you do not have the Holy Spirit as your filter to process what you see... then you will become what you see as it shapes your mind (James 1:15).
The devil is a manipulator. He is crafty (Genesis 3:1) which means creative. He was once the worship leader in Heaven before he was kicked out. Worship is the vehicle in which we stay connected to the Kingdom. God instructs those who worship in real time (Proverbs 3:5-6) (pray without ceasing/meditate continuously). The devil knows that worship is the connection between God and you through your mind which is the seat of the soul. If we stay connected to God in our worship... then we will have his knowledge and his understanding (the concerns of God). Jesus showed us what that looks like as he walked the earth. And how worship keeps each of us in a position to stomp on that serpent's head.
The devil is now cast down in the earth and is the prince of the power of the air as it is written in Ephesians 2:2-3. He controls the airways, he is infused in entertainment industry and his intent is to make what you see opposite of what God says your reality (Hosea 4:6-7). If you never truly worship God in spirit and in truth... you won't be able to discern truth from fiction. You will be tossed to and from because you are leaning on your own understanding which is to stay plugged into this world (carnal nature -Romans 8:7) which is fallen and corrupt.
The word of God tells us not to create ANY graven images of Him or ANYTHING in Heaven or anything that represents His Kingdom in the earth (Exodus 20:4). But many have done just that creating images of what angels look like or even what Jesus looks like. The images have been manipulated to serve a deeper, darker agenda that is not aligned with the will of God. The images have been a powerful tool in attempting to condition the minds of people to believe lies as truth as their minds are shaped to believe an agenda that is NOT Kingdom of Heaven or the power of God.
Images do matter so when people lift up lies as they say THIS represents what the Kingdom looks like... then His word and His prophets in the earth now will dismantle those lies by sharing His word. I will be dealing with the image of Jesus coming up in a post today. The image of Jesus that many people hold up dearly around the world and in America should have never been created as God instructed in Exodus 20:4. And the image that was created did not come from God which lets you know where the thought to do that came from. When the image was passed down as truth... people worship what they see...but if the true image was ever presented... they would not worship Jesus because of what has been seared into their minds and passed on from one generation to the next. So I'll say this... if color of Jesus does not matter... why have people rebelled against God and created an image of His son that does not reflect who his son is or what he really looked like? Since someone decided to make color an issue... God wants to make sure you are not worshiping your color. So let me ask this. If Jesus was black, brown or non-white... could you still worship him knowing that he did not look like you? Could you still worship Jesus if his skin was pale, light brown, tan or even near white? Only you know the answer to that question. The truth of the matter is many of you have either rejected Jesus because someone rebelled against God by creating an image they were not supposed to. And in the process... that pushed you further away from God because the man made image has been used to promote an agenda that is not of the Kingdom. In order for that agenda to continue in the earth...it has to get you to worship your skin by saying Jesus looked like this. And in the process won't accept who he is or what he really looked like because of an image someone made that was not true! God wants you to worship him in Spirit and in truth... not skin and in truth!
Vincent J. McCaskill - Senior Pastor
By God Inspired Fellowship
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