The Big Deception

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The biggest deception of the enemy (satan) is to get people to believe I can choose God and live a life freely indulging in the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21)... and get what God promised those who follow Him. Many believe that right now. So Listen... to "follow" God requires believing in the heart He is who He says He is even though we can't see Him. When our heart desires Him it will produce an outward action... which is what is spoken about when we said (spoken) we believe. Then... what we speak will be backed up by how we live now. How we lived yesterday should be different today, and the next... and the next... and the next. We are "following" Jesus Christ because that is what we "DESIRE" in our heart even when our flesh wants to go back to doing that stuff that had us dead in our steps... the same stuff that eventually brought us to our knees.

Here's the disconnect... the actions which came about due to us following sin produced hardship and the hardship brought us to our knees. Some of us chose to surrender to Jesus will and His way. Our heart was genuinely sorry for being so blind and falling to the sin as it led us. And we were awakened by His Spirit to the truth and what initiated the fall. So we have clarity around the stuff the enemy masked as fun/pleasure... that is really an infection that will kill us if it went untreated. His Spirit which is Grace... gives us the ability to resist the desire to seek the infection (masked as pleasure/fun) and seek His will and His way. God perfects the Saints every day until we make the transition from the human realm where the body is to the spirit realm...where God is.

For those who accepted Jesus and are denying human nature, we've already died and been reborn in the spirit. So we no longer fear death because we died with Jesus and was raised with Jesus. The body we are in is sinful for it can not please God (Romans 8:7). The body we are in is carnal. It can not understand the things of God. It only responds to human senses (see, touch, smell, taste, hear) which is in tuned with the world governed by evil (Ephesians 6:12). The enemy is behind the scenes influencing the the thoughts of people who are blind to his existence. No you can't see him now... and that's the way he wants to keep it. He wants you to think human nature is Godly nature. But the scriptures clearly show us in Romans 8 that Human/Carnal Nature can not begin to understand Godly nature... for it is only discerned by the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14). Therefore we can not understand the things of God... without His Spirit. We have to be open to receiving His spirit. T

he only way to receive His spirit is to genuinely Believe in the Son of God (JESUS) who was sent here to show us the way back to God in the Spirit. But we have to reach for Jesus... we have to desire Jesus in our heart... and if we are genuine about that... He will send His spirit (The power of GRACE) to resist human nature/ Human logic/ Human understanding (Proverbs 3:5-6). The power of Grace begins to change us (perfecting the saints) and it started with the Heart genuinely believing and preparing itself to receive the great comforter to pull us from Death's doorsteps. (Romans 10:9-13). Everyday as we choose to follow Jesus... our lives will begin to look more and more like Him (Read John 15). He is the True Vine... and therefore He that is in us will begin to produce Good fruit. What are those fruits you ask? Read Galatians 5:22-26. Fruit is an outward demonstration of what is leading you in the Spirit. The works of the Father through Christ Jesus will produce fruits of the Spirit. We could not do this on our own because Human nature calls this stupid/foolish. There is no benefit to human nature whatsoever to follow something it can not pick up with its senses. That's why He sends those who are willing to receive Him... His spirit (John 14:26/John 15:26). In order to be taught by His Spirit we must receive His spirit... and the only way to get to that place is to desire Him in the heart and speak it outwardly.

Our lives will begin to look differently from that first day we said we believe.

Pastor Vince

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