Let's Not Repeat The Same Mistakes As Those Who Came Before Us

When we look in the mirror, let's be sure we don't make the same mistakes as those who came before us. Their mistake can cause bitterness in you... and if you are bitter towards daddy..mom... grandma or grandpa... then you are now open to making the exact same mistakes they made. Bitterness does not heal. Bitterness tears down. You may be bitter towards dad because dad did not do certain things he was supposed to do in regards to you. Your expectations of what mom was supposed to do were not met because you now realize mom is flawed just like you. Yet bitterness holds dad's flaws against him. In the process of being bitter... that bitterness causes you to create an example for your children to follow... and one day that bitterness will be used against you by your children. Bitterness rips apart generations. LOVE and FORGIVENESS is the only thing that restores and stops the cycle. We can choose to be better... or we can choose to be bitter. But one can not treat someone wrong from a position of bitterness while saying "I am being blessed by God." When we are blessed by God... we will be humble and show the Love of God by forgiving and praying for that person to be set free from that which caused the brokenness.

Vincent J. McCaskill - Senior Pastor
By God Inspired Community Church - Southaven

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