A miracle is a divine (Heavenly) interruption of an earthly process. The earthly process leads to death. Everything in the earth dies. Carnal nature is aligned with the earthly process which leads to death. Carnal decisions are made based on things that never last. So when that process is interrupted...this is a MIRACLE. Every day you choose to flow in the will of God... doing what is right when you feel like doing wrong... in that moment a miracle has occurred. Every day you choose to live a righteous life instead of a carnal life which leads to death... the righteous life leads to life as you avoid the traps that are set up to destroy you. In that moment of each decision we make... when we do it God's way... that is a miracle. The earthly process which wanted us to lean on our own understanding leading to a quick demise... was interrupted by the Spirit of God which renews our mind that allows us to do it His way. His way leads to life. When we follow His way... that is a miracle. So if you are looking for a miracle.. they are all around you. The question is do you really understand what a miracle looks like in a world that is dieing. The earthly process leads to an eternal death.
Vincent J. McCaskill - Senior Pastor
By God Inspired Community Church - Senior Pastor
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