What Patterns Are You Following?

Read Romans 12:1-2 and meditate on it, and ask God for understanding related to what is written here.

The patterns of THIS WORLD are dead. They lead to death. They are cursed because the patterns of this world reject the knowledge of God in the spirit (Hosea 4:6). The patterns of this world are "Cursed" because they are leading to death and destruction. The patterns are the same, but the faces in those patterns are different from generation to generation. There is nothing uncommon to man that is presented by spiritual wickedness... but man has to reach back for the tree of Life (JESUS CHRIST) to truly be set free from the patterns to know what those patterns are and where they come from. Repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different outcomes is called insanity. And for many... the only thing history has shown us is that we don't learn from history. When your mind is renewed by the Holy Spirit... you get a Kingdom memory. That memory takes you deep to places your physical eyes have not seen... but your soul has now been made aware of. In this moment.. the generational curses embedded in the patterns of this world through the thinking and practices of our ancestry lines.. have been exposed for what they are. What happens within a person who experiences Romans 12:1-2... there is a lot of time God now spends to remove what you learned apart from Him and then He imparts into you who He is. THIS IS THE RENEWING PROCESS. You are a NEW CREATURE in Christ... and now you are no longer walking dead.

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