They Hate You Because They Can't be you!

Hate is another form of flattery. Hate is essentially someone admiring you because they can't be you and they need you to affirm them by acting insecure about who you are as you begin hating them for hating you. When that happens they feel affirmed about who they think they are, which is far from who God says they are. The moment you embrace who you are in Christ Jesus... is the moment you are hated even more for what you embody! You are the embodiment of what it means to have Faith... which is the substance of things HOPED for and the evidence of things not seen. They see your hope because you know whose you are. A person with HOPE is dangerous to a person who does not know who he is as he tries to get your mind to need him more than God! But to the one who sees God and embodies the very essence of God... that person will rise above everything anyone tries to throw at you because they hate you

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