God Answered Your Prayer. Did you Hear It?

You've been asking God for a blessing regarding your situation. He answered your prayers by handing you a shovel and a truckload of seeds. The seeds and the shovel did not meet your immediate request...right? What are you going to do with a shovel and seeds when you need that bill paid... or that thing you so desire but it costs more than what you have. How does your mind receive what God is trying to give you if what He has put before you does not seem like what you asked for? This is where your mind is in desperate need of being renewed by the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:1-2).

The shovel means there is work to do for Him...so start digging which reflects work. The seeds represent the sowing which is needed for the plants to grow. They must be planted in the ground... and it takes breaking up the soil for them to have the potential to germinate. There is still work to do after the seeds are planted. There is watering and so on. What you have to understand is FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD. You asked... and He gave... but what He gave required you to give of yourself by sowing/planting those seeds which may not meet your immediate request at the moment... but on the back end the seeds will grow and there will be a harvest for you to reap. In the reaping of what you have sown... the harvest will be used to plant more seeds while your request for help is met above and beyond what you asked for. The harvest is not for you to store up... but for you to plant more seeds as you find other laborers to pick up their shovels and spread the seeds you have received. You will continue to be blessed. But you are not planting seeds now to receive. You are planting seeds because of Who God Is in your life. You are doing it to bless others so they can see Him in what you do. You can now be trusted with much more because you were faithful with that shovel and a truckload of seeds!

Vincent J. McCaskill - Apostle, Senior Pastor & Founder
By God Inspired Fellowship

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